



view of the installation

Cymbals, stands, transducers, speakers, contact microphones, computer, software, lamps.

March 2015, Museum Gallery, FBAUP, Porto. Photographic documentation (exhibition views): João Lima. Video documentation: Patrícia Viana Almeida.

For the second time, we faced the question of whether an installation can be repeated. Maybe yes, if we can use the same space and infrastructure. However, spaces also change, and because installations are situated and site-specific, they change along. Sometimes spaces change while the installation is still there, transforming, developing, and bringing changes to the installation. In other cases, installations need to follow circadian rhythms, or perhaps the anthropocentric rhythms of the week, or maybe the seasons of the year. More often than not, installations are pushed along by their context. Or, in this case, architecture. When we were asked to show Respiro for a second time, in a very different room from where we initially created it, we may have originally thought about it as a new presentation of the same installation. But we quickly realised that even if the materials, hardware, and software were the same, the new context transformed this into a different piece. We preserved the fundamental separation of the two sets, positioning the four cymbals in the back of the room, not visible to entering visitors. Instead, they were confronted with two speakers in plinths, along with the clear sonic presence that emanated from the back.

view of the installation

view of the installation

Thank you to João Pais Filipe, Vitor Joaquim, Lúcia Almeida Matos, Luís Pinto Nunes.