
, Installations



view of the installation

Eight speakers, light fixtures, metal tubing, steel cables, sound cables, DVD players, LED PAR. Harp by Angelica Salvi.

June 2016, Tower and Window Room of the Chapel of Serralves Villa, Serralves, Porto. Commissioned by Serralves Foundation for the festival Serralves em Festa and curated by Pedro Rocha.

In two spaces contiguous to the Chapel in Serralves: the stairs of its tower and the room adjacent to the choir, the objects designed for this installation explored the space’s architecture and enticed its exploration by visitors, creating an immersive infrastructure for the diffusion of sound. The piece was structured along the two perpendicular axes of the space: the vertical tower and the horizontal room. The tower was kept dark, with the only lights attached to the speakers along the staircase. The room had a big circular window that allowed daylight in and created a continuous variation of illumination. The two spaces bled onto each other. They were two parts that balanced the listening experience and were unified by timbre, with the entire piece created from recordings of harp performed by Angelica Salvi. This work was inspired by two of LaMonte Young’s pieces from 1960: Composition 1960 #7 and Composition 1960 #10 (“to Bob Morris”), works that can be read more like instructions than scores, as essays on stasis and on its impossibility in a permanently changing world.

view of the installation

view of the installation

view of the installation

view of the installation

view of the installation

view of the installation

view of the installation

Thank you to Norberto Jorge and Tiago Cruz at FBAUP, Joaquim Durães and Eduardo Maltez at Lovers & Lollypops.